"This has been a profound growth experience. I now consistently feel joy and calm in the middle of handling the many challenges of running my company. Almost a feeling of 'Throw it at me... I can handle it' - like I want more challenges now, as if nothing is too much."
Becky Sharpe
Collegiate Sports Data
They are going it alone
They’ve been conditioned to believe that success only comes from following conventional paths, rather than trusting their own intuition.
They're in the hustle & grind culture so they sacrifice themselves and their happiness and burn out feeling like they have to be 'on' 16+ hours a day
They underestimate the power of their own inner wisdom in guiding them to make the right decisions at the right time for them to grow their business.
When you trust yourself and your intuition you'll navigate challenges with ease, growing your business, living your dreams, and making a meaningful impact.
"What is new and life changing is the 'mind control,' the ability to 'let go' when any negative feelings take over. This program has given me the ability to be in the driver seat of my life."
Nathalie Brys
General Counsel
"This has been an extraordinary gift for my team. The concepts are phenomenal - a true revelation in the way to think and handle work and life's challenges. Besides the lasting impact on myself, I've loved hearing how many people this has touched in my company."
Jessica Herrin
Stella & Dot